Asiatic Lilies Burgundy -
    Asiatic Lilies Burgundy -
Asiatic Lilies Burgundy -

Asiatic Lilies Burgundy

  • Packed 30 stems per box
  • 10 stems per bunch
  • Price per bunch $21

Our wholesale Asiatic Lilies are the perfect focal flower for any wedding or event. These blooms look great with other flowers when mixed in flower bunches, arrangements, and bouquets. Party planners, wedding planners, and DIY consumers alike can easily utilize the striking beauty of Asiatic Lilies for any event. Our wholesale Asiatic Lily stems range from 65-70cm (24-24”) in length with a minimum of three useable flowers or blooms per stem. We suggest receiving these flowers 2-3 days before your event so the flowers have time to properly hydrate and bloom. Asiatic Lilies are available year round for your special occasion!

Regular price
USD 63.00
Sale price
USD 63.00
Regular price
Out of stock

Quality Assurance

Complaints & Claims:

If you are not absolutely satisfied with your flower shipment, please call IMMEDIATELY after opening your boxes AND email us to All complaints must be communicated verbally and accompanied with images indicating all the flowers within 24 hours of receipt of the product or your claim will not be accepted and no refund will be granted. In order to process your claim,we MUST receive pictures of the product. We do not guarantee color tone matches. Flowers are a product of mother nature and vary in color from season to season.

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